愛麗斯‧保羅 (Alice
Paul) 生於1885年1月11日
保羅不但在賓州大學取得社會工作博士學位,同時也從英國投票運動領袖處學到許多激進的策略訓練,她後來加入「全美婦女投票權協會」 (National American Woman Suffrage Association) 。她的第一份工作是要在華盛頓特區舉辦一場遊行,並且吸引人們的注意。這場遊行幾乎是和伍德羅‧威爾遜 (Woodrow Wilson) 總統的就職典禮同時舉行。因為附近有暴動發生,所以群眾都圍繞著遊行的婦女。
With a Ph.D. in social work from the University of Pennsylvania and training in militant tactics learned from English suffrage leaders, Paul joined the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA). Her first job was to put on a parade in Washington, D.C., to draw attention to their cause. The parade took place at the same time as inauguration festivities for President Woodrow Wilson. Crowds surrounded the parading women, resulting in near riots.
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