
路易西安那州 (Louisiana) 於1879年12月8日通過新的州憲法
在歐洲人到路易西安那定居之前,當地的美國原住民已經在那裡住了1萬6千年之久。雖然西班牙人是最早發現路易西安那州的人,但是法國人卻是最先到這裡定居的外國人。來自阿卡迪亞 (Acadia) 的法裔加拿大人在1750年代與1760年代之間,因為被英國人趕出加拿大,所以他們到達路易西安那領土尋找避難之處。阿卡迪亞人的後裔,也就是凱中人 (Cajuns) ,是路易西安那州南部的主要文化依據。現在,紐奧良已經是一個結合法國、西班牙,以及非洲文化的大熔爐,而且每年都會舉辦多元的嘉年華會 (Mardi Gras) 。
Before Europeans settled in Louisiana, Native Americans had lived there for 16,000 years. Although the Spanish were the first Europeans to discover Louisiana, the French were the first to colonize the territory. French Canadians from the colony of Acadia sought refuge in Louisiana during the 1750s and 1760s after being driven out of Canada by the British. The Acadians' descendants, the "Cajuns," culturally dominate much of southern Louisiana. Today, New Orleans is a "melting pot" of French, Spanish, and African cultures, and hosts the colorful Mardi Gras festival each year.
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