路易西安那州 (Louisiana) 於1879年12月8日通過新的州憲法
為了回應多元文化的需求,以及內戰與重建時期的諸多事件,路易西安那在1812年至掰1921年之間一共修改了10次憲法。在1879年的12月8日,路易西安那州通過了一部新的州憲法,同時也把首府從紐奧良 (New
Orleans) 遷移到巴頓魯治 (Baton
Rouge) 。
In an effort to respond to the demands of diversity as well as to the events of the Civil War and Reconstruction, Louisianans revised and passed new constitutions 10 times between 1812 and 1921. On December 8, 1879, Louisiana ratified a new state constitution, and at the same time, moved the state capitol from New Orleans to Baton Rouge.
Louisiana has a rich history with many different cultures playing a part. Do you know who some of those people were?
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