好管家雜誌 (Good
Housekeeping) 於1885年5月2日正式上市了
這本雜誌後來相當受到歡迎。到了1911年時,已經有30萬人看過好管家雜誌。當赫斯特出版公司 (Hearst Publishing Company) 在1966年買下這本雜誌時,讀者人數已經成長到5百50萬人了。現在,好管家雜誌還摘錄了有關房屋、食物、健身、美容、健康,以及家庭的文章。你有沒有聽過「好管家機構」 (Good Housekeeping Institute) 呢?
The magazine became extraordinarily popular. By 1911, 300,000 people read
Good Housekeeping. When the Hearst Publishing Company bought the magazine in 1966, it had grown to 5.5 million readers. Today
Good Housekeeping includes articles about home, food, fitness, beauty, health, and family. Have you ever heard of the Good Housekeeping Institute?
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