好管家雜誌 (Good
Housekeeping) 於1885年5月2日正式上市了
雜誌架在20世紀初期可能和現在有很大的不一樣,但是好管家雜誌卻永遠都被擺在第一排。好管家雜誌是在1885年5月2日正式上市的。一直到現在,這本雜誌都還提供讀者許多管理家務的小訣竅,還有一些職業作家和讀者來信的文章與故事。這本雜誌的第一位編輯克拉克‧布來恩 (Clark W. Bryan) 的目標是要把「製作並永久保存家裡的完美—或者盡可能在家裡維持完美。」
Magazine racks may have looked a lot different in the early part of the 20th century than they do now, but
Good Housekeeping was right there in front. Good Housekeeping magazine first appeared on May 2, 1885. As it does now, the magazine offered readers tips for running a home as well as stories and articles by expert writers and letters from readers. The goal of first editor Clark W. Bryan was to "produce and perpetuate perfection--or as near unto perfection as may be attained in the household."
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