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Jump Back in Time 鍍金時代  (1878-1889)
Thomas Edison's Electric Lamp Patent Drawing and Claim [Incandescent Light Bulb]
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愛迪生 (Thomas Edison) 於18791231日首次公開展示他的電燈泡

26歲普林斯頓大學研究生,名字叫做法蘭西斯巫普頓 (Francis Upton) 。巫普頓提供了愛迪生所缺乏的數學與理論專業知識。在187910月,他們用白金燈絲做了一個燈泡。但是白金太貴了,不過後來他們發現比較便宜的炭絲也能夠成功提供令人滿意的亮度。雖然早期使用的白熱照明系統有許多問題,但是愛迪生仍然享有世界發明大王的美譽,卻是不可動搖的。

Edison did not work on creating the incandescent electric light alone. He was assisted by Francis Upton, a 26-year-old graduate of Princeton University with a master's degree in science. Upton provided the mathematical and theoretical expertise that Edison lacked. In October 1879, they produced a bulb with a platinum filament. But platinum was too expensive, so instead they found that a carbon filament provided a good light at a cheaper price. Although there were problems with the early incandescent lighting systems for years, Edison's reputation as the world's greatest inventor was firmly established.
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