

愛迪生 (Thomas Edison) 於1879年12月31日首次公開展示他的電燈泡
在1891年的12月31日,經過多年的工作與數萬次的實驗,愛迪生在紐澤西州曼羅公園 (Menlo
Park) 實驗室裡首次公開展示他創造的電燈泡。這個白熱燈有一個像絲線一樣的物體,或稱為燈絲,在加熱到一定溫度時,就會透過電流放出光亮。
因為愛迪生是一個成功的發明家,所以得到當時許多金融家的支持,也因此他能專心致力,把時間都用於發明之上。摩根 (J. P. Morgan) 與帆德比茲家族 (Vanderbilts) 建立了愛迪生照明公司,並且提供愛迪生3萬美金進行更多的實驗與發展。
On December 31, 1879, after years of work and thousands of experiments, Edison gave the first public demonstration of the incandescent light bulb at his laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey. An incandescent light has a thread-like object, or filament, that gives off light when heated to incandescence (hot enough to emit light) by an electric current.
Edison was able to spend so much time on this invention because, thanks to his reputation as a successful inventor, he had the support of some leading financiers of the day. J.P. Morgan and the Vanderbilts established the Edison Light Company and advanced Edison $30,000 for research and development.