Mile Falls),終於愛荷華州的邊界。九哩瀑布也是河畔州立公園(Riverside
State Park)的景點之一,遊客可到此露營,步行或騎馬探訪該區的許多歷史景點及自然景色。健行或騎腳踏車的人可以利用彎彎曲曲的橋樑跨越斯波堪河,觀看沼澤地的藍蒼鷺,或者是瀏覽印地安石畫區的岩石雕刻。
What's the longest nature trail you have ever been on?
The Centennial Trail in eastern Washington state is a paved trail that runs for 37 miles along the Spokane River -- from Nine Mile Falls to the Idaho state line. Nine Mile Falls is also the site of Riverside State Park, where visitors can camp and explore on foot or horseback the many historic sites and natural features of the area. Hikers or bicyclists can cross the Spokane River on the swinging bridge, watch for a blue heron in the marshlands or read petroglyphs (inscriptions on rocks) at the Indian rock paintings area.
If you head upriver along the Centennial Trail, it gets very hilly. No motorized vehicles are allowed on the trail, so be ready to walk, run or bike hard. The trail then passes through the city of Spokane and continues through Riverfront Park, which has additional attractions such as the Gondola, a chair-lift that takes passengers on a 2,240-foot round trip to the bottom of the Spokane Falls and into the heart of downtown Spokane.
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