
of vast plains)。當聯合太平洋鐵路(Union
Pacific Railroad)於1867年抵達首府夏延鎮(Cheyenne)後,懷俄明領地內的居住人口才開始穩定成長。成立於1868年的懷俄明在1890年加入聯邦,成為美國第44州。「平等之州」(Equality
Wyoming gets its name from the
Algonquin words for "land of vast plains." After the Union Pacific Railroad reached the town of Cheyenne, the capital, in 1867, the population began
to grow steadily in the Wyoming Territory, established in 1868. Wyoming was admitted as the 44th state in 1890. The constitution of the "Equality State" was the first in the world to grant voting rights to women. Wyoming was also the first state to elect a woman governor. People are spread out across the state in small farming and ranching towns, and millions of visitors come to enjoy the Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks each year. The state flower has the poetic name of Indian paintbrush. Wyoming is the smallest state in the Union in population.
