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Explore the States 維吉尼亞
Photo of WACs at Camp Lee in late 1949 enjoying recreational activities
Post Exchange (店舖名) 內,正在享受休閒活動的WAC
(Camp Lee)1949年晚期


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李堡 (Fort Lee) 及軍中女兵的傳說


維吉尼亞州李堡內新成立的美國女兵博物館 (U.S. Army Women's Museum) 是為了表彰曾在美國軍隊中服役的女兵。

一次世界大戰時,有許多擔任護士的女性任職於當時稱做李營區 (Camp Lee) 的李堡。而到了二次世界大戰時,則成立了陸軍婦女服務隊 (Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, WAAC)) ,這個名字很快就改為陸軍婦女隊 (Women's Army Corps, WAC)一開始,WAC被視為一個暫時的單位,它將隨著二次世界大戰的結束告終,但情況並非如此;1948年,李營區成立了WAC訓練中心 (WAC Training Center) ,所以的婦女在被分派至永久的任職單位前,都會先來此處受訓。

自開國以來,婦女就於軍中服務。獨立戰爭 (Revolutionary War) 時,又名「莫利水壺」 (Molly Pitcher) 的麥考利 (Mary McCauley) 負責攜帶冷卻大炮及她丈夫軍團內士兵的用水。內戰 (Civil War) 時,塔布曼 (Harriet Tubman, 一位逃亡的奴隸)在聯邦軍隊擔任護士及間諜職務並帶領聯邦軍隊發動襲擊,因而讓750多名奴隸重獲自由。二次世界大戰時,科克倫 (Jacqueline Cochran) 是第一位駕駛重型轟炸機飛越大西洋的駕駛員。她也負責為英國的皇家空軍運輸服務隊 (Air Transport Auxiliary of the Royal Air Force) 訓練美籍的女性運送駕駛員。她於1945年獲頒傑出服務獎章 (Distinguished Service Medal) ,藉以表彰她在二次世界大戰時的表現。


The new U.S. Army Women's Museum at Fort Lee, Virginia, honors the women who have served in the U.S. Army.

During World War I, when Fort Lee was called Camp Lee, many women served there as nurses. During World War II, the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) was established. That name was soon changed to the Women's Army Corps (WAC). In the beginning, the WAC was considered a temporary unit that would be broken up when World War II ended, but that didn't happen. Instead, the WAC Training Center was established at Camp Lee in 1948 and women trained there before moving on to their permanent Army assignments.

Women have served in the military since the beginning of our nation. During the Revolutionary War, Mary McCauley, better known as "Molly Pitcher," carried water to cool both the cannons and the soldiers in her husband's regiment. During the Civil War, Harriet Tubman (an escaped slave) worked as a nurse and spy for Union forces and led the Union Army on a raid that resulted in freedom for more than 750 slaves. During World War II, Jacqueline Cochran was the first woman to fly a heavy bomber over the Atlantic. She also trained American women as transport pilots in England for the Air Transport Auxiliary of the Royal Air Force. She was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal in 1945 for her service in World War II.

The U.S. Army Women's Museum at Fort Lee highlights the bravery of these women and many others who have served in our country's forces.

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