
Company)在詹姆士敦 (Jamestown) 建立第一個永久的英國殖民地。維吉尼亞是最初13州之一(它在1788年加入聯邦),以英國女王伊莉莎白一世 (Elizabeth
I, the Virgin Queen of England) 為名。維吉尼亞在美國歷史上佔有一個重要的地位,因為它是許多創國者的家鄉,包括:喬治華盛頓 (George
Washington) 、湯瑪斯傑弗遜 (Thomas
Jefferson) 、詹姆士麥迪遜 (James
Madison) 、喬治梅森 (George
Mason) 和派翠克亨利 (Patrick
Henry) 。美國前五任總統中有4位是維吉尼亞人。內戰 (Civil
War) 時,聯邦的首都位在維吉尼亞的首府裡奇蒙 (Richmond) 。今日的維吉尼亞是一個受歡迎的遊覽景點,前往那兒的人們能參觀具歷史意義的地方,如:亞歷山德裡亞市 (Alexandria) 、威廉斯堡 (Williamsburg) 及華盛頓的莊園芒特佛南 (Mount
Vernon) ;它的州花是山茱萸,而北美紅雀則是「老道明」 (Old
Dominion) 的州鳥。
The Virginia Company founded the first permanent English colony at Jamestown in 1607. One of the original 13 states (it entered the Union in 1788), Virginia was named for Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen of England. Virginia holds an important place in American history, as it was home to many of the founding fathers, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Mason, and Patrick Henry. Four of America's first five presidents were Virginians. During the Civil War, Richmond, Virginia's capital, was the capital of the Confederacy. Today, Virginia is a popular tourist spot where people can visit historic places such as Alexandria, Williamsburg, and Mount Vernon, George Washington's estate. Dogwood is the state flower and the cardinal is the state bird of the "Old Dominion."
