
1540年,西班牙探險家科羅納多 (Coronado) 為找尋傳說中的七個黃金城,足跡踏遍了現今的新墨西哥。別名「迷人之地」 (Land
of Enchantment) 的新墨西哥於1912年加入聯邦,成為美國第47州。隸屬舊西部 (Old
West) 的新墨西哥是一個以牛仔及牛隻趕集而聞名的地方。住在當地的阿帕契族印地安人 (Apache
Indians) 所帶來的影響顯見於藝術品及文化中。另外,普魏布勒印地安人 (Pueblo
Indian) 的存在也是顯而易見的,最明顯的證據就是部落的建築物。新墨西哥境內也住有極為多數的西班牙人,因為16世紀至1846年間,新墨西哥曾被西班牙人統治。建於1610年的聖塔非 (Santa
Fe) 是新墨西哥的首府,也是北美洲境內歷史最悠久的首府;新墨西哥的州花是絲蘭。
In 1540, the Spanish conquistador Coronado trekked through the area known today as New Mexico in search of the fabled seven cities of gold. New Mexico, called the "Land of Enchantment," was the 47th state, entering the Union in 1912. Part of the "Old West," New Mexico was a place known for cowboys and cattle drives. The influence of the Apache Indians who live there is evident in the artwork and culture. The Pueblo Indian presence is also very apparent, most visibly in the tribe's buildings. The state also has a large Hispanic population, as New Mexico was under Spanish control from the 16th century until about 1846. The capital city of Santa Fe, founded in 1610, has the oldest continually used seat of government in North America. The state flower is the yucca.
