
1999年6月5日,在新墨西哥的拉西恩加 (La
Cienega) El
Rancho de las Golondrinas

表演舞團 (Expresiones
Dance Company)
Dance Company
)呈現墨西哥各地的傳統舞蹈及音樂。表演者也會演出新墨西哥文化所發現的其他舞蹈類型,如:嘻哈、拉丁音樂及阿芝特卡 (Azteca:一種帶有宗教風格的舊時墨西哥舞蹈) 。這間舞蹈公司不只在新墨西哥當地表演,它還巡迴美國各地演出,包括德州、科羅拉多及肯塔基,甚至是位於佛羅里達州的迪士尼世界 (Disney
World) 的埃普科特中心 (Epcot
Center) 都有他們的蹤跡。舞者也曾出現在全國電視節目上。
數世紀以來,新墨西哥文化被來自許多不同團體的人逐漸塑造成形,包括曾住在此處達數千年的印地安人,如:納瓦伙族 (Navajo) 、普魏布勒族 (Pueblo) 、阿帕契族 (Apache) 及猶特族 (Ute) 。自1500年代以來,西班牙即探索及定居在該區。而1800年代時,新墨西哥成為墨西哥的一部分,然後再成為美國的一部分。透過他們的表演,表演舞團的舞者能幫忙保存這個複雜的文化及新墨西哥的傳統。
New Mexican dance has many influences - even hip-hop.
The Expresiones Dance Company performs traditional dances and music from all over Mexico. The performers also include other dance styles found in New Mexico culture, such as hip-hop, Latin, and Azteca, an old Mexican dance with a religious flavor. The dance company has performed not just in New Mexico but all over the United States, including Texas, Colorado, Kentucky, and even Disney World's Epcot Center in Florida. The dancers have also appeared on national television.
New Mexico culture has been shaped by many different groups of people over the centuries. Indians such as the Navajo, Pueblo, Apache, and Ute, have lived there for thousands of years. Beginning in the 1500s, the Spanish explored and settled in the area. In the 1800s, New Mexico became a part of Mexico and then of the United States. Through their performances, the dancers of the Expresiones Dance Company help preserve this complex culture and tradition of New Mexico.
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