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Photo of Thomas Edison re-enacting his invention of the light bulb
湯瑪斯愛迪生(Thomas Edison)正在展示他的電燈泡發明,亨利福特及法蘭西絲傑爾(Francis Jehl)一旁觀看1929年10月21


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亨利福特(Henry Ford)博物館及格林威治村



為了展示他的收集品,福特興建了亨利福特博物館及格林威治村(原本叫做愛迪生機構Edison Institute,福特希望藉此機構來表彰他的朋友,湯瑪斯愛迪生),它們是世上最大的室內及室外歷史博物館。福特希望他的博物館能成唯一個向人們展示其祖先的生活及工作情形的地方。這座佔地13畝的博物館及村莊慶賀美國發明家的成就,如:福特本人、湯瑪斯愛迪生、萊特兄弟(the Wright brothers)、喀威爾(George Washington Carver)、韋伯斯特(Noah Webster)及其他人。

Auto manufacturer Henry Ford was a man ahead of his time. Although he didn't invent the automobile, Ford believed that a car that everyday people could afford would be a huge success. He was right and the company he started still exists today.

But Ford was also ahead of his time in another way. He could have collected the finest and most expensive art in the world. But instead he collected commonplace things, like toasters, farm machinery, kerosene lamps, and steam engines. Ford felt that these everyday objects told a truth not written about in history books. Today, educators call these items "primary sources."

In order to display his collections, Ford founded the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village (originally called the Edison Institute, in honor of his friend, Thomas Edison), the world's largest indoor-outdoor history museum. Ford wanted his museum to be a place where people could see how their ancestors lived and worked. The 13-acre museum and village celebrates the accomplishments of American innovators, such as Ford himself, Thomas Edison, the Wright brothers, George Washington Carver, Noah Webster, and others.

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