
Lakes State)。密西根一字源自於歐及布威族(Ojibwa,Chippewa帕契瓦族)印地安字,意即「大湖」。密西根州擁有獨特的地理景致,因為它是由兩塊巨大土地所組成,一為人煙稀少的上半島(Upper
Michigan was the 26th state, admitted into the Union in 1837. Called the "Great Lakes State" because its shores touch four of the five Great Lakes, Michigan gets its name from an Ojibwa (Chippewa) Indian word meaning "large lake." Michigan has an unusual geography, as it consists of two land masses--the sparsely populated Upper Peninsula and the mitten-shaped Lower Peninsula, home to most of the state's residents. Detroit, its largest city, is known worldwide as the center of the American auto industry. The apple blossom is the state flower, the robin is the state bird and Lansing is the capital.
