of Mexico),可輕鬆取得海鮮。因而慶祝活動中可品嚐到許多原住民、裡奧爾人、卡津人或非裔美人的海鮮菜餚。除了地利之便,歷史也在路易斯安那州的食物中扮演了一個舉足輕重的角色。現在的路易斯安那州曾為法國、西班牙及大不列顛的領土,而且曾是一個短暫的獨立國家!您曾吃過像濃湯、什錦飯或小龍蝦燴飯如此香辣、美味的海鮮菜餚嗎?假如有機會參加此一盛會,千萬記得要去試吃!
Louisiana has a heritage of many cultures, nationalities and ethnic groups, including Cajuns and Creoles. Do you know where Cajuns came from? The Cajuns in Louisiana are descendants of the French-speaking Acadians of Canada. Acadia is an early name for the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. The Acadians were expelled after the French lost the colony in 1755. A Creole is a person of mixed French or Spanish and African descent.
In Monroe, Louisiana, each September, visitors can see all kinds of traditional Louisiana crafts, hear music and storytelling, watch dancing and try local foods at the Louisiana Folklife Festival. There's even a Kids Stage, where young people perform.
Because of Louisiana's location by the Gulf of Mexico, seafood is easily available. Seafood is used in many of the dishes that can be sampled at the Festival, whether cooked in a Native American, Creole, Cajun, or African American style. In addition to location, history has played a big role in the foods of Louisiana. The state that is now Louisiana has been a territory of France, Spain, and Great Britain, and was even briefly an independent country! Have you ever eaten such spicy, delicious seafood creations as gumbo, jambalaya or crawfish boil? If you have the opportunity, try some!
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