
Louis XIV)而得名。路易十四是一位作風強硬的法國君王,他對路易斯安那州的影響仍隨處可見。如首府巴頓魯治(Baton
Le Moyne d'Iberville)曾於1699年造訪過路易斯安那州並觀察紅檜。現今的紐奧良市以嘉年華(Mardi
Situated in the Deep South, Louisiana, the "Pelican State," has a colorful history and was named in honor of King Louis XIV. A strong French influence is still evident throughout the state--its capital city is named Baton Rouge, French for "red stick," because the French-Canadian explorer Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville visited the area in 1699 and observed a red cypress post. Today the city of New Orleans is known for its Mardi Gras and jazz festivals.
