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Explore the States 阿肯色
Photo of banjo players at 1941 Folkways Festival
正在表演的音樂家:佈雷爾(Albert Blair)、坎貝爾(Booth Campbell)及漢米爾敦樸Chester Hamilton)



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奧沙克山曾是一個與世隔絕的居住地區。座落在阿肯色州的北部地區,橫跨伊利諾州、密蘇里州及堪薩斯州的部分土地,奧沙克山的山區被森林所覆蓋,而第一批住在這兒的族群是印地安人,綽號「峭壁居民」(bluff dweller),因為他們住在山中臨時搭建的住所。 外來移民於1800年代抵達此處,自給自足,藉由耕種、狩獵及自由放養家畜來獲取食物,因為這是一個遺世孤立的世界, 因而發展出一個獨特的文化。

阿肯色州的民俗節一年舉辦一次,旨在慶祝傳統的奧沙克文化,於四月的第三個週末,在阿肯色州的芒廷維尤(Mountain View)舉行。慶祝活動的重點是遊行、民俗音樂演奏會及工坊、打鐵鋪,節慶中還會示範如何製作各式工藝品,如:肥皂、掃帚、蠟燭、陶器、娃娃及玩具。

奧沙克地區的特色是區內有許多地下河流及溫泉,觀光業是該區的主要行業之一,懷特(Harold Bell Wright)的小說「山坡上的牧羊人」 (The Shepherd of the Hills (1907)),將奧沙克加以浪漫化,更促進了它的觀光業發展。

The Ozark Mountains used to be an isolated place to live. Situated in northern Arkansas and parts of Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas, the Ozarks were covered by forests. The first people to live there were the Indians who were nicknamed "bluff dwellers" because they lived in the shelter of the mountains. The settlers who arrived in the 1800s were self-supporting, which means they grew their own food, hunted and raised free-range animals. Because it was isolated, a unique culture developed.

The Arkansas Folk Festival is an annual celebration of traditional Ozark culture, held the third weekend in April in Mountain View, Arkansas. Highlights are a parade, folk music concerts and workshops, a blacksmith shop, and demonstrations of such crafts as making soap, brooms, candles, pottery, dolls and toys.

The Ozark region is characterized by many underground streams and springs. Tourism is one of the region's chief industries and was given a boost by Harold Bell Wright's novel The Shepherd of the Hills (1907), which romanticized the Ozarks.

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