
of Opportunity)的阿肯色於1836年加入聯邦,成為美國第25州。早期的法籍探險家將這塊土地命名為阿肯色,可能是一個發音的拼法,法文字為「下游」居民之意,可能是用來指稱誇保族(Quapaw)印地安人及他們定居在河流旁之故。阿肯色是唯一出產鑽石的州,雖然現在那個礦場只是一個觀光景點。它的州花是蘋果花。
Nicknamed the "Land of Opportunity," Arkansas, which joined the Union in 1836, was the 25th state. The early French explorers of the state gave it its name, which is probably a phonetic spelling for the French word for "downriver" people, a reference to the Quapaw Indians and the river along which they settled. Arkansas is the only state in which diamonds have been mined, although today the mine operates only as a tourist attraction. The state flower is the apple blossom. |
