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Meet Amazing Americans 作家藝術家 桃樂絲蘭格 (Dorothea Lange)
Photo of interned women playing softball, 1942

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蘭格與再安置營 (Relocation Camp)

蘭格同意拍攝營區照片是因為她希望一旦人們看見現在正在發生的事,拘留就能夠停止。蘭格希望透過照片影響人們,使他們願意幫助這些受到壓迫的社會份子,這個主題幾乎貫穿蘭格的所有作品 。您曾受照片影響過嗎?

Lange agreed to take photographs in the camps because she hoped that once people saw what was happening, the internment would stop. The idea that photographs could influence people to help the oppressed members of society was a theme in almost all of Lange's work. Have you ever been influenced by a photograph?

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