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Meet Amazing Americans 作家藝術家 桃樂絲蘭格 (Dorothea Lange)
Photo of Memorial Day services at Manzanar War Relocation Center, 1942
加州的曼贊納 (Manzanar) 營區拘留了數以千計的日裔美人

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蘭格與再安置營 (Relocation Camp)

美國總共興建了10所拘留營區,其中最大的兩個營區位於亞利桑那州境內。19421946年間,這些營區總共拘留了 超過110,000多名日裔美人 。雖然蘭格反對戰時關押日裔美人的政策,但她仍前去拍攝住在這些營區內的人們。假如蘭格認為囚禁這些人是不公平的,她為什麼仍要接下這份工作呢?

Of the 10 internment camps that were established, two of the larger ones were in Arizona. Overall, more than 110,000 Japanese Americans were interned from 1942 until 1946. Even though she was against the policy of imprisoning Japanese Americans during the war, Lange photographed the people in these camps. Do you know why Lange took the job if she didn't believe that it was fair to imprison these people?

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