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Meet Amazing Americans 科學家與發明家 湯瑪斯阿爾發愛迪生(Thomas Alva Edison)

A screen shot from Thomas A. Edison, Inc.'s 'The boxing cats (Prof. Welton's).'

(Thomas A. Edison, Inc.)
「拳擊貓」(The boxing cats, Prof. Welton's)中一幕

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愛迪生看得出來電影製作將來勢必成為一項興盛的行業,所以他在新澤西州興建了一間電影攝影棚。這間攝影棚的可掀式屋頂可以讓日光直射照入,而且整棟建築物都可以移動以便讓建築物與太陽光保持一致。現在,愛迪生公司可以加快拍攝新影片的步伐了。戈登姐妹的拳擊表演並非愛迪生公司拍攝的唯一拳擊影片。您能想像貓咪打拳擊嗎?愛迪生製造公司所拍攝的早期電影中,有一部就是兩隻貓在拳擊場內進行拳擊比賽。其他電影則由知名表演者擔綱演出,如:野牛比爾的「西大荒演出」(Wild West Show)中的安妮奧克利(Annie Oakley)及美國原住民舞者。

Edison could see that filmmaking was going to become a successful business, so he built a motion picture production studio in New Jersey. The studio had a roof that could be opened to let in daylight, and the entire building was constructed so that it could be moved to stay in line with the sun. Now, Edison's company could step up the production of new films. The "Boxing Gordon Sisters" was not the only boxing film Edison's company made. Can you imagine boxing cats? One of the Edison Manufacturing Company's earliest films shows two cats fighting in a boxing ring. Other films starred well-known performers such as Annie Oakley and Native American dancers from Buffalo Bill's "Wild West Show."

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出處: Dickson, W.K.L., producer, Thomas A. Edison, Inc. "The Boxing Cats (Prof. Welton's)." July 1894. Inventing Entertainment: The Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings of the Edison Companies, Library of Congress.