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Meet Amazing Americans 科學家與發明家 湯瑪斯阿爾發愛迪生(Thomas Alva Edison)
Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze
(Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze)

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1888年,愛迪生發明留聲機後,他將注意力轉放在電影上。「我正在實驗一種專供眼睛用的器具,就像留聲機是專供耳朵用的器具」他說道。他的實驗結果就是電影攝影機 (Kinetograph)及電影視鏡(Kinetoscope:通過窺視孔,在燈光照明下,放大觀看幻燈片的裝置)。

第一部獲得版權保護的影片是由愛迪生公司內的一位名叫佛萊得奧特 (Fred Ott) 的員工負責擔綱演出,而影片的內容則是奧特打噴嚏。看看左側的「愛迪生電影放映機所錄製的打噴嚏」(Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze)並觀察自1894年以來,電影的改變有多大。

愛迪生所面對的問題是好的電影膠捲不易取得。1893年,伊斯曼柯達(Eastman Kodak)開始供應電影膠捲,因而使得愛迪生得以加速拍攝新電影的腳步。還有什麼能夠勝過這件事?

In 1888, after Edison invented the phonograph, he turned his attention to motion pictures. "I am experimenting upon an instrument which does for the eye what the phonograph does for the ear," he said. The result of his experiments was the Kinetograph (a motion picture camera) and the Kinetoscope (a peephole motion picture viewer).

The first film ever copyrighted shows an employee of Edison's, Fred Ott, who is pretending to sneeze. Take a look at the "Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze" and see how far film has come since 1894.

One problem Edison faced was that good motion picture film was not available. In 1893, Eastman Kodak began supplying motion picture film stock, making it possible for Edison to step up the production of new motion pictures. What could top this?

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