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Meet Amazing Americans 科學家與發明家 湯瑪斯阿爾發愛迪生(Thomas Alva Edison)  
Photo of Edison Sitting at the Door of the Ore-milling Plant; Ogdensburg, NJ, 1895.
坐在新澤西州礦砂工廠門口的愛迪生 1895

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愛迪生一生中最大的失敗在於他無法發明一種有效的方法來開採鐵礦。1880晚期到1890早期,他為了供應賓州鋼鐵工廠對鐵礦的需求而努力構思採礦方法。為了籌措這個作品的資金,他將他手中所有通用電器公司 (General Electric) 的股票賣出,但仍無法創造出可以自那些無用、劣等的礦砂中提煉出鐵的分離器。最後,愛迪生終於放棄了這個想法,但已失去所有投資下去的錢了。

The greatest failure of Edison's career was his inability to create a practical way to mine iron ore. He worked on mining methods through the late 1880s and early 1890s to supply the Pennsylvania steel mills' demand for iron ore. In order to finance this work, he sold all his stock in General Electric, but was never able to create a separator that could extract iron from unusable, low-grade ores. Eventually, Edison gave up on the idea, but by then he had lost all the money he'd invested.

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