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Meet Amazing Americans 科學家與發明家 湯瑪斯阿爾發愛迪生(Thomas Alva Edison)  

Screen shot from 'Dickson experimental sound film'

愛迪生的助理迪克森 (W.K.L. Dickson) 嚐試製造有聲影片

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從一開始創造電影時,許多人就試著結合影像及聲音,使其成為有聲電影。這部影片是由愛迪生的助理迪克森 (W.K.L. Dickson) 所拍攝完成,是一部嚐試結合聲音與影像的早期影片。

直到1895年,愛迪生才發明卡尼風 (Kinetophone),即將電影視鏡 (Kinetoscope:通過窺視孔,在燈光照明下,放大觀看幻燈片的裝置)及留聲機一起安裝在櫥櫃內。當觀眾觀看影像時,聲音會透過兩個耳管向外播放。仍而這個作品從未成功,到了1915年,愛迪生終於放棄製造有聲電影的想法。

From the beginning of the creation of motion pictures, many people tried to combine film and sound to make "talking" motion pictures. Here you can see an example of an early film attempting to combine sound with pictures made by Edison's assistant, W.K.L. Dickson.

By 1895, Edison had created the Kinetophone--a Kinetoscope (peep-hole motion picture viewer) with a phonograph that played inside the cabinet. Sound could be heard through two ear tubes while the viewer watched the images. This creation never really took off, and by 1915 Edison abandoned the idea of sound motion pictures.

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出處: Dickson, W.L.K., producer, Thomas A. Edison, Inc. "Dickson experimental sound film." 1895. Inventing Entertainment: The Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings of the Edison Companies, Library of Congress.