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Meet Amazing Americans 科學家與發明家 喬治華盛頓卡佛(George Washington Carver)
豬隻 Hogs
豬隻 Hogs

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Farmers could earn good money with a few hogs. Carver said to buy young hogs. Hogs are cheap to raise because they eat leftover slop, rotten vegetables, and weeds. Once they're big enough, they can be turned into sausage, meat, and lard, which are guaranteed to sell. If a family can afford it, they should also buy a cow, which Carver said would provide "at least half the family's living."

For Carver, there was no waste in nature. Everything could be put to use. Carver believed that even the poorest farmers could improve their standard of living if they put to use all that nature had to offer.

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