
種植新鮮蔬菜,可自用亦可銷售 Farm fresh vegetables to be eaten or sold

Carver believed in feeding the family, selling the extras, and using the money to buy more resources like animals or seeds. His first suggestion for making money was to have "12 good hens and 1 rooster." The chickens would lay enough eggs to feed the family and there would be extras to sell. If some of the eggs hatched, the new chickens could also be sold. The same went for any extra vegetables, like tomatoes and sweet potatoes.
Carver also believed in making things instead of buying them. In "Help for the Hard Times" he suggested making things to sell: wood shingles, fence posts, baskets, quilts, and lace. He also suggested making and selling fruit and vegetable preserves. What other ways could farmers make money?
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