

瑪莎成長於維吉尼亞州的威廉斯堡 (Williamsburg) ,她曾上過縫紉、家務、烹飪、舞蹈及音樂課。另外,她也請家教來教導她如何閱讀及寫字。瑪莎喜歡她的個人生活,也很享受與家人一起在弗農山莊。
As a young woman growing up in Williamsburg Virginia, Martha Dandridge had lessons in sewing, housekeeping, cooking, dancing, and music. She also had private tutors to teach her how to read and write. Martha liked her private life and enjoyed being at Mount Vernon with her family.
Even when she couldn't be there or when her husband was away, she was, "... still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances."
George Washington, too, loved being at Mount Vernon. He enjoyed farming and wrote that "it is honorable, it is amusing, and, with superior judgment, it is profitable." He believed Mount Vernon was the best estate in America for farming. Later in his life, he took great pride in being thought of as the first farmer of the land.
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