
(Theodore Jr.)

雖然羅斯福熱愛動物,他也喜歡狩獵。他的兒子長大後常跟著他一起出外狩獵。照片內的人是身穿狩獵裝的西歐多爾二世及柯密。卸任後,為幫史密森尼博物館 (Smithsonian
Institution) 收集自然標本,羅斯福曾參加非洲及巴西的狩獵旅行。他的兒子柯密則跟他一起參力非洲的狩獵旅行。
Although Roosevelt loved animals, he also liked to go hunting. As his boys grew up they often went with their dad on hunting trips. In this picture, his grown-up sons, Theodore Jr. and Kermit, are dressed for hunting. When he was no longer president, Roosevelt went on safaris to Africa and Brazil to gather natural specimens for the Smithsonian Institution. His son, Kermit, went on the African safari with him.
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