
Bear March and Two Step」

一個住在布魯克林區的店主人米德姆 (Morris
Michtom) 受到那幅羅斯福及幼熊的插畫啟發,因而創造了一個新玩具。他創造了一個小填充幼熊,然後將它放在店內的櫥窗,在它的旁邊放了一個告示:「泰迪的熊」。這個玩具立即造成轟動,而米德姆成立了創意玩具公司 (Ideal
Novelty and Toy Co.) ,至今仍屹立不搖。經得起時間考驗的泰迪熊,至今仍然受到大家的歡迎。泰迪熊風潮甚至啟發了音樂。圖中的照片來自1907年,是一首名為「Teddy
Bear March and Two Step」的歌曲封面。
A Brooklyn store owner, Morris Michtom, saw the drawing of Roosevelt and the bear cub and was inspired to create a new toy. He created a little stuffed bear cub and put it in his shop window with a sign that read "Teddy's bear." The toys were an immediate success and Michtom founded the Ideal Novelty and Toy Co., which still exists today. Teddy bears have stood the test of time and are as popular today as ever. The teddy bear craze even inspired music. Here you see the cover of a song called Teddy Bear March and Two Step from 1907.
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