
《聯邦黨人文集》 - 第一版出版時的展示 "The Federalist" - exhibit of the first bound copy

詹姆斯麥迪遜對於憲法的貢獻 James Madison's Contribution to the Constitution
為了讓憲法成為所有美國人必須遵循的法律,必須在十三個州內有三分之二的州、個別進行憲法的認可(同意)動作,為此美國憲法的內容也在9月28日寄交各州政府,麥迪遜透過與約翰傑伊(John Jay)、亞歷山大漢彌頓(Alexander Hamilton)合撰一系列的文章、遊說各州儘速進行憲法的認可動作,這些文章出現在紐約不同的報紙、並在全國各地流傳;總計共有85篇文章(麥迪遜寫了29篇)、也就是後來知名的《聯邦黨人文集》(The Federalist Papers)。
麥迪遜對於憲法制訂的貢獻,讓他後來獲得「美國憲法之父」的美譽,在1788年6月21日,新罕布夏州(New Hampshire)成為第九個認可新憲法的州,此時認可憲法的州數已經達到法定的三分之二、讓該憲法成為這塊土地共通的法律。但事情還沒結束…麥迪遜還希望進一步鞏固憲法的地位,您知道他怎麼作嗎?
In order for the Constitution to become the law by which all Americans abided, two-thirds of the 13 states had to ratify (approve) it individually, and it was sent to them for this purpose on September 28. Madison campaigned for the ratification of the Constitution by co-authoring a series of essays with John Jay and Alexander Hamilton that appeared in various New York newspapers and then circulated around the states. There were 85 essays in all (Madison wrote 29), and they were known as the Federalist Papers.
Madison's important contribution to the overall creation of the Constitution earned him the nickname "Father of the Constitution" later in life. On June 21, 1788, New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the new Constitution, and that was enough to make the Constitution the law of the land. But that wasn't all. ... Madison went on to strengthen the Constitution even further. Do you know how?
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