
詹姆斯麥迪遜 (James Madison) 美國第四任總統

詹姆斯麥迪遜是美國第四任總統(1809-1817),亦被稱為「美國憲法之父」,參與《聯邦黨人文集》的資料蒐集與編寫工作,也對憲法通過政府認可有所貢獻,而我們也必須感謝他參與了權力法案(BILL OF RIGHTS)、憲法最初的十條修正案,對於我們今日所能擁有的自由全力所做的貢獻;麥迪遜是個害羞的人,卻娶了相當外向的多莉派恩托德(DOLLEY PAYNE TODD) 為妻,在1812年戰役期間,第一夫人多莉派恩托德救回不少白宮手工藝品、而她的丈夫則在英軍火燒華盛頓時、驚險逃脫。
James Madison, the fourth president of the United States (1809-1817), is recognized as the "Father of the Constitution." He helped craft the original document and co-wrote the Federalist Papers, which helped get the Constitution approved by the states. We also have him to thank for the Bill of Rights, the Constitution's first 10 amendments, which guarantee our freedoms to this day. Madison was a shy man who married the very outgoing Dolley Payne Todd. During the War of 1812, first lady Dolley Madison saved many White House artifacts and her husband narrowly escaped death when the British burned Washington.
