
救出由吉伯特斯圖爾特(GILBERT STUART)繪製的喬治華盛頓肖像 Rescued portrait of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart

在1814年8月,當英國人在1812年戰役中俘虜華盛頓、猛攻白宮時, 多莉臨時帶走吉伯特斯圖爾特繪製的喬治華盛頓肖像(見此)、即時逃離,她不僅救回喬治華盛頓的肖像、並將其他重要手工藝品搬走的動作,讓多莉更受到民眾的愛戴,更為鞏固她身為第一夫人的角色,多莉相當具有政治手腕,會在每一位新任參議員與國會代表到達華盛頓時,就造訪他的家,當她於1849年逝世時,從總統扎卡裡泰勒(Zachary Taylor)到許多國會成員、外交官,都參加了她的喪禮。
In August 1814, when the British captured Washington and stormed the White House during the War of 1812, Dolley grabbed the Gilbert Stuart portrait of George Washington (seen here) and got out just in time. Her rescuing Washington's portrait and organizing the removal of other important artifacts made Dolley even more popular with the American public and confirmed the role of first lady as the guardian of the "people's house." Dolley was politically skilled; she visited the home of every new senator and representative upon his arrival in Washington. When she died in 1849, everyone from President Zachary Taylor to members of Congress and diplomats attended her funeral.
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