
羅浮宮全景照片 – 羅浮宮是巴黎最大的博物館,約翰昆西亞當斯曾在此受教 Panoramic photo of the Louvre, the largest museum in Paris, where John Quincy Adams was schooled

旅居海外的年輕約翰昆西亞當斯 Young John Quincy Adams Abroad
約翰昆西亞當斯在父親約翰亞當斯於美國獨立戰爭期間、被派任至歐洲擔任特別代表時,擔任父親的秘書,他在巴黎、荷蘭Leiden大學受教育,約翰昆西亞當斯是個天賦聰穎的學生,不僅舉止合宜且能說包含法語在內的多種語言 – 這是當時國際外交首要的語言。這些條件讓他成為美國於1781年派任至Russia代表的重要資產。他在派任至蘇俄的任務是否成功呢?
John Quincy Adams served as his father's secretary when John Adams was sent to Europe as a special representative during the American Revolution. Schooled in Paris and at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, John Quincy Adams was a gifted student, becoming not only polished and well mannered but also able to speak several languages, including French -- the diplomatic language of choice at the time. This made him a valuable asset to the American delegation going to Russia in 1781. Was their mission there successful
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