
一幅荷蘭女孩拿著花的畫作 Painting of a Dutch girl holding flowers

旅居海外的年輕約翰昆西亞當斯 Young John Quincy Adams Abroad
但亞當斯其實在十三歲就已經開始了自己的外交生涯,當時他就已經擔任美國駐俄大使法蘭西斯丹那(Francis Dana)的私人秘書(亞當斯後來也曾擔任駐俄大使一職),您認為亞當斯是如何獲得這個工作的呢?
Though John Quincy Adams was not very popular during his presidency, he developed an excellent reputation as a diplomat before it. He won President George Washington's admiration with his writings in support of the president's foreign policy. He was also able to speak Dutch and got himself appointed ambassador to the Netherlands in 1794, the year he turned 27.
But Adams actually began his diplomatic career at age 13, when he was asked to serve as personal secretary to Francis Dana, the U.S. ambassador to Russia (a post that Adams himself would later fill). How do you think this opportunity arose for Adams
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