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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統 傑弗遜 (Thomas Jefferson)
Monticello Cirkut.
蒙提薩羅 (Monticello)
維吉尼亞州境內最優美的莊園 之一

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傑弗遜必須擁有一個不錯的居所好用來招待他的朋友及端出他的美食。他位在薜倫斯維爾 (Charlottesville)的家叫做蒙提薩羅(意為小山),是維吉尼亞州境內最優美的莊園 之一。這個家是由他本人親見設計規劃的,裡面建有一系列的用來招待賓客的房間。另外,他也建了一間專門用來放書的房間及一間放有「複寫」機器的辦公室。他的某些公眾房則放有他的收藏品,如:美國原住民手工藝品、路易斯及克拉克探險隊所發掘的化石及他所 敬愛的人物肖像。現在,蒙提薩羅現被視為一間國家寶藏,您可以前去造訪。

Jefferson had to have a nice place to invite his friends and serve them delicious food. His home in Charlottesville, called Monticello ("little mountain"), was known as one of the finest estates in Virginia. He designed his home himself and he included a series of rooms where he entertained guests. He also created a room just for his books and an office with a copy "machine." Some of his public rooms displayed things he had collected: Native American artifacts, fossils discovered by Lewis and Clark, and images of people he admired. Today you can visit Monticello, which is recognized as a national treasure.

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