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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統 傑弗遜 (Thomas Jefferson)
Jefferson's Recipe for vanilla ice cream

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傑弗遜最愛用來招待賓客的食物包括通心麵、蛋白杏仁餅乾、peach flambé (用桃子製成的食物,在食物澆上白蘭地並於點燃後端出)及冰淇淋!在法國 期間,傑弗遜收集了許多法式食物的烹調方法,如:醬汁、水果塔、薯條、血腸、豬腳、兔肉及鴿子肉。他帶回來的其中一份食譜從此以後就成為美國人的最愛:香草冰淇淋 。這是他蒙提薩羅家中最受歡迎的一道菜,而且這道食譜是由傑弗遜本人親筆寫下的,這張紙的背面則是搭配冰淇淋的 Savoy 餅乾做法。您想成為傑弗遜晚宴中的賓客嗎?

Some of Jefferson's favorite dishes to serve guests included macaroni, macaroons, peach flambé (flaming peaches), and ice cream! While in France, Jefferson collected many French recipes for things such as sauces, fruit tarts, french fries, blood sausages, pigs' feet, rabbit, and pigeon. One of the recipes he brought home has since become an American favorite: vanilla ice cream. This was one of the most popular dishes at his home in Monticello, and this recipe was written by Jefferson himself. On the back is his recipe for Savoy cookies to go along with the ice cream. Would you like to have been a guest at one of Jefferson's dinners?

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