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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統 安德魯傑克森 (Andrew Jackson)
美國人襲擊英國軍隊的計畫 Plan of attack on British troops by the Americans
美國人襲擊英國軍隊的計畫 Plan of attack on British troops by the Americans

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War of 1812 and the Battle of New Orleans


For several days, Jackson's men held their ground in a long earthen barrier they had made. On January 8, 1815, the British rushed the Americans and were cut down in great numbers by rifle and cannon fire. The Americans suffered only a handful of deaths. Overnight, Jackson was transformed into a national icon and hero, which would later help him win the presidency.

The 1840 election solidified the growing political influence of the West and the idea of politics as entertainment. Ever since then, elections have been won and lost on images and the attempt to deliver what the public wants.

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