
(West Virginia),1-77

艾森豪從未忘記橫貫大陸車隊行經的糟糕路況,尤其當他把這些道路拿來與二次世界大戰中,他在德國所見的現代高速公路相比時。當選總統後,艾森豪敦促美國國會於1956年時,將創建州際公路系統視為國家的首要之務,由聯邦政府提供了90%的資金。接下來的40年間,建造了將近43,000英里的現代道路,因而將國家前所未有的緊緊相繫在一起。為了向艾森豪的遠見致敬,1990年時布希總統簽署通過立法,正式將州際公路命名為「艾森豪州際及防禦高速公路系統」 (Dwight
David Eisenhower System of Interstate and Defense Highways) 。
Dwight Eisenhower never forgot the terrible roads he had traveled during the Transcontinental Motor Convoy, especially when contrasted with the modern highways he had seen in Germany during World War II. As President, Eisenhower urged Congress in 1956 to create the Interstate highway system as a national priority, with 90 percent of the funding coming from the federal government. Over the next 40 years nearly 43,000 miles of modern road were built and the nation was tied together as never before. In honor of Eisenhower's vision, President George Bush signed legislation in 1990 officially renaming the Interstate system as the "Dwight D. Eisenhower System of Interstate and Defense Highways."
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