

彎彎曲曲的山中小道及沿著現在的80號州際公路散佈的粗糙荒蕪沙地。許多地區幾乎無法通行,因而必須又推又拉的使勁,才能將笨重的卡車開過去。機器常常故障而且又有數不盡的事故發生,因而隊伍以平均六英哩的時速,東倒西歪地向前進!不知怎麼的,儘管這兩個月的行程極為艱苦,艾森豪仍過的開心。他及他的朋友布萊特 (Major
Sereno Brett) 會開一些東部下屬軍官的玩笑,包括演出假的「西部人」射擊展覽會及假刀戰!
Eisenhower and the Transcontinental Motor Convoy traveled nearly 3,200 miles, much of it over dirt roads, rutted paths, winding mountain trails, and shifting desert sands roughly along the route of present-day Interstate 80. Many areas were nearly impassable and the men often had to push or pull the heavy trucks along. There were frequent breakdowns and numerous accidents as the convoy lurched along at an average of 6 miles per hour! Somehow, Eisenhower managed to have fun despite the hardships of the two-month journey. He and his friend Major Sereno Brett played a number of practical jokes on junior officers from the East, including staging a phony "Western" shooting exhibition and a fake knife fight!
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