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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統 馬丁范布倫 (Martin Van Buren)
在美國國會大廈內的約翰凱爾宏(John C. Calhoun)雕像 Statue of John C. Calhoun in the U.S. Capitol

在美國國會大廈內的約翰凱爾宏(John C. Calhoun)雕像 Statue of John C. Calhoun in the U.S. Capitol

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范布倫與政治 Van Buren and Politics


在傑克森擔任總統初期,華盛頓的高層社會 – 尤其是副總統凱爾宏的太太 – 不願意與戰爭部長(Secretary of War)約翰伊頓的太太瑪格麗特(佩姬)有所來往,因為有謠言指出瑪格麗特在與伊頓交往時、她的前夫還尚在人世。范布倫此時採取支持佩姬的立場,他這麼做對於成為副總統產生什麼幫助?

Van Buren set his sights on the vice presidency. He did so by beating Vice President John Calhoun in the power struggle over who was most likely to succeed Jackson as president. Van Buren used a social scandal to advance his political interests.

Early in Jackson's presidency, Washington high society--especially Vice President Calhoun's wife--refused to associate with Secretary of War John Eaton's wife, Margaret ("Peggy"), because of rumors that she had begun her romance with Eaton while her first husband was still alive. But Van Buren supported Peggy Eaton. How did this help him become vice president?

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