生於: 1782年12月5日
死於: 1862年7月24日
馬丁范布倫是常用語 「OK」 的發明者,他來自紐約的肯德胡克(Kinderhook)、該地的別稱是「老肯德胡克」- 「Old Kinderhook」 – 而范布倫競選美國總統時、來自故鄉的助選團就取名為「老肯德胡克俱樂部」(Old Kinderhook Club),自此OK這個說法便成為 「一切都好」 之意被廣泛使用。
Martin Van Buren was the eighth president and the first to be born in the newly independent nation.
As the descendant of Dutch immigrants, he was also the first president whose ethnic background wasn't mostly from the British Isles. He was best known for his shrewd political skills. He considered himself a follower of Thomas Jefferson and was one of the founders of the Democratic Party.
We have Van Buren to thank for the expression "OK." He was from Kinderhook, New York, which was sometimes referred to as "Old Kinderhook." "O.K. Clubs" were created to support Van Buren's political campaigns, and the expression "OK" came to mean "all right."