
朵莉麥迪遜(Dolley Madison)再回到華盛頓時居住的房子
The house that Dolley Madison lived in when she returned to Washington

范布倫就任總統期間的女主人 Van Buren's Presidential Hostess
雖然有時候安潔麗卡(Angelica Singleton Van Buren)會權充第一夫人應扮演的角色,但安潔麗卡實際上是范布倫的長媳,安潔麗卡透過遠房親戚、也就是前任的第一夫人朵莉麥迪遜,認識了范布倫長子亞伯拉罕范布倫(Abraham Van Buren)第一次見面機會是在1838年的私人白宮晚宴中,朵莉麥迪遜在丈夫過世後、剛回到華盛頓,成為華盛頓社交圈最重要的女性,而安潔麗卡與亞伯拉罕范布倫在認識後的幾個月就步入結婚禮堂。
Although she is referred to by some as his first lady, Angelica Singleton Van Buren was actually the president's daughter-in-law. Angelica met Abraham Van Buren, the president's eldest son, through her distant cousin, former first lady Dolley Madison, at a private White House dinner in 1838. Dolley Madison had just moved back to Washington after her husband's death and was already the most important woman in Washington society. Angelica and Abraham married within months of their meeting.
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