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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統  約翰亞當斯 (John Adams)  
Photograph of U.S. troops on D-Day, June 6, 1944.
Proclamation ending hostilities with France

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獨立領袖 The Independent Leader


亞當斯總統決定將政府從費城搬到華盛頓,於1800年執行這些決策、並於童年創立國會圖書館(Library of Congress)。亞當斯相當受到尊重,但曾面臨一連串的外交政策危機,最終讓他在政治發展上身陷孤立無援的處境。


Adams described the position to his wife as "the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived." Once he was elected president, Adams was finally able to feel relevant again and flex his brain "muscles," not to mention his ego.

President Adams implemented the decision to move the government from Philadelphia to Washington and exercised leadership with such decisions as creating the Library of Congress, both in 1800. Adams was well respected, but faced a series of foreign policy crises, which eventually isolated him politically.

His actions ultimately cost him the election to Thomas Jefferson in 1800.

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