
美國進行曲之王的約翰菲利普蘇沙 (John Philip Sousa) John Philip Sousa, America's "March King"

生於: 1854年11月6日
死於: 1932年3月6日
約翰菲利普蘇沙是一位美國表演者和作曲家,最引人懷念的是他編寫的進行曲、樂團、以及愛國心。他以「進行曲之王」著稱,寫過136首進行曲,包含「永恆的星條旗」(The Stars and Stripes Forever)這首美國的國家進行曲(如果您進入"Jammin' Jukebox"中"See, Hear & Sing"部分,就可以聽到這首進行曲的音樂)。他也寫過其他許多音樂作品,包含輕歌劇、流行歌曲、華爾滋等各種類型的曲子,還有七本書和許多文章。他首度成名於擔任美國海軍樂團的指揮時期,其後他組成了自己的樂團 – 蘇沙樂團,這個樂團演唱了39年、為數百萬人做出完美的表演。
John Philip Sousa was an American entertainer and composer. He is best remembered for his marches, his band, and his patriotism. Known as the "March King," he wrote 136 marches, including The Stars and Stripes Forever, the national march of the United States. (If you go to the "Jammin' Jukebox" in the See, Hear & Sing" section, you can listen to it.) He also wrote many other musical pieces, including operettas, popular songs, waltzes and more, as well as seven books and many articles. He first became famous while serving as the leader of the U.S. Marine Band. Later he formed his own band, the Sousa Band, which toured for 39 years and entertained millions of people. |
