青年音樂會顯示出伯恩斯坦精通音樂教育並善於利用電視媒體。他在音樂廳聽眾前 (主要是兒童) 錄製講座音樂會並於美國及加拿大各地播放。播映期間,伯恩斯坦討論了各種與音樂歷史、作曲家及作品的相關主題。另外,此一系列的節目之一是舉辦
The Young People's Concerts revealed Bernstein's mastery of both music education and the medium of television. Combination lecture-concerts were recorded before a concert-hall audience, primarily children, and broadcast in the United States and Canada. Over the course of the broadcasts, Bernstein discussed a wide selection of subjects relating to music history and featured composers and compositions. As part of this series, there were also annual concerts featuring young performers.
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