

各個年齡層的人都喜歡音樂。當倫納德伯恩斯坦利用電視的力量將音樂介紹給孩子們時,紐約愛樂交響樂團為年輕人獻樂的傳統已行之有年。1958到1972年間,伯恩斯坦透過他的青年音樂會 (Young
People's Concert) 教導年輕人如何聆聽悠美音樂。您會透過電視收看何種音樂?
People of all ages enjoy music. The New York Philharmonic had already established a tradition of presenting concerts for young people when Leonard Bernstein took advantage of the power of television to introduce music to children. Between 1958 and 1972 he showed young people how to be good listeners of fine music through his Young People's Concerts. What kind of music do you listen to on television?
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