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Meet Amazing Americans 音樂家與作曲家  伯恩斯坦 (Leonard Bernstein)
Photo 'Bernstein at rehearsal for West Side Story'

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西城故事是現代版的「羅密歐與茱麗葉」 (Romeo and Juliet) 。故事內容是關於一對出生在敵對世家卻互相喜愛的年輕戀人。西城故事的背景為紐約市,兩個互相喜愛的年輕人被迫分開,只因為他們來自於兩個不同團體,而這兩個團體因為某些原因而彼此爭鬥。您能從中學習到什麼呢?為什麼這個故事會受到歡迎而重覆的出現在各式戲劇及電影中?

West Side Story is a modern-day version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. The story is about two young people who fall in love but are prevented from being together because their families are feuding. In West Side Story two people in New York City fall in love but are kept apart because they are from different groups who are fighting for no good reason. What lessons can be learned from this situation? Why do you think this story is so popular that it is repeated over the years in different plays and movies?

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