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Meet Amazing Americans 音樂家與作曲家  伯恩斯坦 (Leonard Bernstein)
Score of 'Something's Coming'
"Something's Coming" 是
「西城故事」(West Side Story)

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也許伯恩斯坦最著名的作品是西城故事,這齣音樂片於1957年首次於紐約的百老匯登台並於1961年製成電影 。他為這齣音樂片所作的作品受到了古典樂、爵士、流行樂及西班牙音樂的影響。西城故事也深受16世紀晚期,由威廉莎士比亞 (William Shakespeare) 所作的著名戲劇影響;您知道是那一部嗎?

Perhaps Leonard Bernstein's most famous work is West Side Story, a musical first presented in 1957 on Broadway in New York City and later made into a film in 1961. The works he composed for the musical were influenced by classical, jazz and popular styles, including music composed by Hispanics. West Side Story was also influenced by a very famous play written in the late 16th century by William Shakespeare. Do you know what it is?

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