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Meet Amazing Americans 領袖與政治人物 潘興 (John Joseph Pershing)
Cartoon of Pershing being pelted

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1898年對抗西班牙在古巴統治的美西戰爭 (Spanish-American War) 中,負責指揮軍隊的潘興稱許他手下的非裔美人部隊。許多對黑人將士帶有歧見的人並不喜歡他的看法,因而膩稱他為「黑傑克」 (Black Jack) 。但潘興不此為意,反而認為這是榮幸,因為他相信判斷他人的準則在於行為,而不在於外表。所以他總是能得到手下的尊敬;您曾否說出或做出某項不討人喜歡的事情,只因為您相信你是對的?

Pershing did not hesitate to praise the African American troops whom he commanded in the Spanish-American War of 1898, fighting against Spanish rule in Cuba. His views were unpopular with many people who were prejudiced against black soldiers, and as a result he earned the nickname "Black Jack." Rather than be ashamed of the nickname, Pershing took pride in it. He believed that people should be judged by their actions, not by their appearance. As a result, he always had the respect of his troops. Have you ever done or said something that was not popular because you knew you were right?

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